
10 Aug, 2023

Lymphotropic Therapy

The lymphatic system fulfills four crucial roles: drainage, detoxification, immunity, and the function of homeostasis - maintaining fluid balance. Beyond bacterial infections, the spread of cancerous processes, and the development of swelling in limbs and organs, it's now understood that the lymphatic system is also linked to the onset of atherosclerosis, heart failure, and intracranial hypertension. Therefore, therapeutic interventions targeting the structures and functions of the lymphatic system should be a pivotal component of disease treatment.
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07 Oct, 2021

Overcoming IBM | Comprehensive Therapy for Inclusion Body Myositis Outline

Patients with IBM all over the world are told that there is no cure. And what is more important the consensus in the medical society is there is no cure. But what if someone told you that even though he cannot cure your IBM, but can make your muscle stronger and suppress the disease? Deep understanding of the immune system, years of research, and clinical practice in autoimmune diseases treatment made it possible for us to tell you that we CAN treat you.
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27 Apr, 2021

Hope for ALS | A Third Option

An ALS diagnosis can be devastating. The patient is often left with a sense of hopelessness as there are really only two well-known options: 1) Apply to join an experimental study. This option does provide a chance of success, but it can also result in the loss of precious time. 2) Work with a local medical provider who will use known protocols that are known to produce extremely limited results. At the Lymphatech Clinic, we believe there is a third option, but first, let’s talk about the first two.
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25 Jan, 2020

Revolutionary Lymphedema Treatment | Myth Debunked By Russian Doctors

Are you amongst many patients with lymphedema either primary or secondary, who was told that there is no cure and instead of treatment was offered a support group? We are here to debunk the myth that lymphedema is incurable! Discover how a famous Russian lymphologist, is now offering the secret of lymphedema treatment to the world. No bandaging, no silly pills for symptom relief. Just pure science... and a cure.
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15 Jan, 2020

Reconsider Epilation! | And 7 other Lymphedema DOs and DON'Ts

At Lymphatech, we know the dangers of epilation. We have had multiple patients in recent months who are struggling with lymphedema after epilation in the intimate areas of their body. The good news is that in 90% of lymphedema cases we are able to provide full treatment. But maybe we can start with some simple advice to avoid lymphedema... or at least not make a bad situation worse? Here are 7 lymphedema Do's and Don't's. Check it out, and be sure to share with any of your friends who are struggling with lymphedema, whether it after a battle with breast cancer of from unknown reasons. We are here not for symptom control, but to treat you to a life free from this debilitating condition.
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06 Dec, 2019

Packed and ready to go? | Learn more about your stay and treatment plan

You might have heard some of our American patients say things like "I got more and better treatment in Russia than I would get in 2 or more years in the States!". That's probably true, but what can you expect when you come to Perm for treatment?
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16 Nov, 2019

Lymphatics wash away b-amyloid | Alzheimer’s Disease Can Be Reversed

And as we were recently meeting with some American doctors and scientists, they said, “We just need Russia’s research translated into English. We know that what is new for us, you have been working on for decades.”
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16 Nov, 2019

Is Russia willing to share its most efficient treatment approach to 90% of all diseases ever?

National geographic in 2018 published that new organ was discovered but we have been researching and proving treatment based on this knowledge in Russia since Soviet times. Read more about how it works.
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25 Oct, 2019

Is Real Health Care Dead? | A Russian Clinic’s View

“In the beginning was the Word…” You may recognize these ancient words of Scripture, but it is amazing how universal the truth is. In short, words matter, and words can create powerful results.
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3 Alexandra Matrosova st.
Perm, Russian Federation, 614000
+7 (342) 207 03 33