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25 Jan, 2020

Revolutionary Lymphedema Treatment | Myth Debunked By Russian Doctors

Are you amongst many patients with lymphedema either primary or secondary, who was told that there is no cure and instead of treatment was offered a support group? We are here to debunk the myth that lymphedema is incurable! Discover how a famous Russian lymphologist, is now offering the secret of lymphedema treatment to the world. No bandaging, no silly pills for symptom relief. Just pure science... and a cure.
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15 Jan, 2020

Reconsider Epilation! | And 7 other Lymphedema DOs and DON'Ts

At Lymphatech, we know the dangers of epilation. We have had multiple patients in recent months who are struggling with lymphedema after epilation in the intimate areas of their body. The good news is that in 90% of lymphedema cases we are able to provide full treatment. But maybe we can start with some simple advice to avoid lymphedema... or at least not make a bad situation worse? Here are 7 lymphedema Do's and Don't's. Check it out, and be sure to share with any of your friends who are struggling with lymphedema, whether it after a battle with breast cancer of from unknown reasons. We are here not for symptom control, but to treat you to a life free from this debilitating condition.
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